For as long as Khilna can remember, she’s always been a creative. This stems from her teenage years living in Nairobi, with art class in school being her earliest memories.
This passion for creativity took her from A level art to achieving BA Honours in textile design. Since then she’s worked in various establishments however circling back to the one she is most passionate about. Art!
You can find Khilna in her home studio in North West London most days. A multidisciplinary artist working with acrylics, resin and mixed Media work. Khilna loves colour and texture and creates work with inspirations around her
Even though creativity is Khilna’s biggest passion, empathy and positivity are her greatest talents. These talents shine through in her work and she uses these talents in building her connections and clients alike.
Khilna has been fortunate enough to sent her art to incredible collectors in USA, Canada, UK and Kenya.
If you would love to invest in available artwork, click here. For bespoke pieces of art , fill in the contact form.